Science & Origin of Petrified Wood
Petrified wood, which is technically a fossil and a crystal, comes from the trunks and branches of ancient trees. These fossilized specimens have had their chemical makeup replaced by another mineral over time. This happened during the Mesozoic and Paleozoic eras, 250-66 million years ago. The minerals that replace the physical wood are often agate or chalcedony/quartz, but can rarely be found opalized. The colors on each piece can vary greatly, with deep reds, browns, blues, and even yellows developing throughout the inner body. When found in sliced form, you’ll often see the original ancient tree bark on the outer ring. Most petrified wood found on the market comes from Madagascar and Australia, with occasional commercial deposits seen throughout Africa and South America.
Petrified Wood Forest
One of the largest petrified forests in existence today is located in Arizona (United States) and is even open to the public! You can visit the Petrified Wood Forest and explore its 346 square miles at an elevation of about 5,400 feet above sea level. Large petrified tree trunks can be found throughout the park, as well as ancient ruins from civilizations that settled on this sacred land. Within this forest, large amounts of agriculture and wildlife have been found, providing the perfect land for archaeologists to study and explore.
Meaning & Energy
With petrified wood comes ancient knowledge and immense ancestral history. Through fossilization, an abundance of ancient earth energy has been contained within; allowing the proper practitioner to channel and direct this elusive energy. The vibrations that flow from this wooden amulet provide the essential nutrients for growth and rejuvenation, while also opening a pathway to our past lives. By recalling past lives, we are able to learn from past lessons and look at old wounds in order to heal them. Some scars are carried over through physical lives because their wounds can seem eternal. It is only through the release of this past trauma that you will be able to free yourself emotionally and move forward. Deep meditation and third-eye practices are just a few of the exercises you can use to identify these traumatic experiences. Visiting an experienced Reiki Master or Past Life Healer may be beneficial, especially if you are experiencing deep blockages that you are unable to move past.
Naturalistic Healing
We have found that the energies emitted by petrified wood resonate at a much higher frequency when channeled outdoors (especially during the hours of dawn and dusk). The sounds of the living beings around you can be picked up and amplified into total life force energy. Much like the ancient civilizations, we can use sound and frequencies as a healer, releasing total control over vibrational energy. Petrified wood promotes an energetic cleansing and transfer of grounding energy into our physical bodies so that the earth can heal us once again.